Originally designed on offset presses, these products can now be produced on digital printers for total volume flexibility and production times on D + 1.
On- demand document production processes must integrate control tools (comparison of the printed document against an original pdf file) and traceability.
Printing on demand concerns several areas such as book publishing, photo albums, exam booklets, press.
Identification, quality, traceability
and production supervision
Axode's global security solution extends from field control and industrial constraints for on-demand printers, to the supervision of their sites and the traceability of their products.
This solution is the only one capable of operating within a multi-function machine park, and concretely results in real-time camera inspection of all stages of production, in particular:
• Print quality : readability, missing jets, contrast, head alignment
• Images: conformity and quality of printed images, colorimetry, color alignment
• Variable data: matching between data, between images, sequence, completeness
• Selective varnish: presence, position, quality
• Perforation: quality, alignment

• Embossing and braille : quality, position, readability
• Traceability: integrity and completeness of production, production reports
• Production planning
• Global supervision: multi-machine, multi-site management, duplicate detection, real-time statistics, automation of reprints

Documents 0 default

Real-time identification

Production supervision

Productivity gain
The Axode solution enables compliance control and full production traceability by certifying the quality of all documents produced in real time and identifying them in databases: real protection against manufacturing errors and a optimized productivity in a highly reactive environment.
Know-how serving quality, safety and performance